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2023-2024 Points of Pride

We are full of cougar pride with all the achievements we have made the goals we have reached during the 2023/2024 school year. Thank you parents, students, and families for all you have done and continue to do. 

Senior Walk 2024:East Clayton Elementary has started a new tradition, “The Senior Walk.” On May 15, 2024 All Clayton County graduating seniors who attended East Clayton Elementary were invited to reunite with old classmates and former teachers where, for many, their learning journey began. We were even joined by our former principal and teachers who have retired or moved on to other locations. 

After a heartwarming fellowship, the East Clayton alumni walked the halls of East Clayton. The entire student body, from Pre-K to 5th grade, lined the hallways to congratulate, celebrate, and cheer on the seniors. Many of the elementary students made banners and posters and some even gave them handmade greeting cards and drawings. 

There are no words that can express how proud we are of our seniors. 

Partnership with Strong 4 Life: East Clayton Elementary was proud to partner with Strong4Life to build strong bodies and strong minds. Strong4Life is a program created by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to help families and communities develop a healthy lifestyle. On October 31, 2023, members of the Strong4Life Team visited East Clayton to kick off this challenge with a Strong Mind, Strong Body Pep Rally. Throughout the year they provided videos with helpful tips on staying mentally and physically  active. 


Science and Engineering Fair: On March 24, 2024, our very own Khalip Flemister took home the 2nd place prize at the K-5 Science and Engineering Fair at Georgia College and State University. Enrolling our students in the Science and Engineering fair afforded our elementary students the opportunity to delve into the scientific process of identifying and researching a problem and designing unique ways to solve that problem.

Young Georgia Authors competition: East Clayton was proud of our scholar, Aguibou Kougblenou for being selected as a finalist for the Young Georgia Authors Competition. This was a remarkable achievement  and a testament to his exceptional talent and dedication to writing. Your submission stood out among many others, showcasing your creativity, originality, and mastery of language. Your ability to express yourself through writing is truly commendable and deserves to be celebrated.



Clubs and Athletics:  East Clayton Elementary continued to offer extracurricular activities and clubs for our students. We once again sponsored our basketball team, cheer team, flag football team, dance team, Beta Club, step team, and honor chorus. This year we were proud to add a soccer team. These clubs and athletic teams allowed our students to explore their talents and imbued  them with a sense of school pride along with a spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork. 

First in Math: First in Math is practice tool that taps into students' love of online gaming.  Our very own Zacharias Tolefree received an award for 1st place in second grade in Clayton County Schools. His brother, Josiah Tolefree received an award for 3rd place in the district for 4th grade.