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ECE Events

This weekend two of our students competed in the Clayton County Regional Science and Engineering Fair and they walked away winners.

Jace Shufford a 4th Grader in Ms. Exy’s class  won 3rd place in Chemistry. Braeden Idehen a 5th Grader in Ms. Sanders’ won 1st place in Engineering Mechanics and will continue on as a State Representative for Clayton County in the Elementary State Engineering and Science Fair.  Also, Brayden was the winner of the Day Dreamers Academy Specialty Award where he won a cash prize to continue his research.

East Clayton Elementary would like to congratulate these students on their achievements and steadfast commitment to success.  We would like to give a huge thank you to the other members of the Science Fair team that worked with to prepare these two students and the other Science Fair participants this year.  Ms. Taylor, Ms. Waye, Mr. Marable, Ms. Grant and Mr. Douglass.  Also, thank you 3rd grade Science teachers, (Ms. Hodo, Ms. Cato, and Ms. Pierce) and Ms. Cook (2nd Grade) for engaging their students in the Scientific Method.  We had a number of great projects submitted for the 2024-2025 ECE Science Fair




Museum of Illusions

On Thursday, Nov 21, 2024 Mrs. Waye led our school’s SCORE students on an adventure to The Museum of Illusions in Atlanta. This was an engaging and educational experience for our students who were able to interact with an array of hands-on activities that allowed them to explore areas of science, history, art, and more. The students and adults had a blast exploring the diverse exhibits that sent their brains  through a rollercoaster of misperceptions that felt so real!!! We would like to give a big thank you to the parents who volunteered their time to serve as chaperones for this unforgettable field trip!!


Literacy Night

On Oct 24, 2024, the parents, teachers, students, and staff of East Clayton Elementary came together for Literacy Night. The evening started with encouraging words from Dr. Watson, the proud principal of East Clayton. Afterwards, the students and parents met with their teachers to discuss the curriculum and all the engaging activities that lie ahead. Parents learned how goals are being set to foster and monitor academic growth and success. Parents and students were also able to participate in fun learning activities throughout the building. 


Literacy Night

Youth Vote 2024

On Tuesday, October 18, 2024, East Clayton Elementary held a mock election for its Youth Vote 2024 event. The media center served as the voting precinct where students from kindergarten to fifth grade took on their civic duty to make their voices heard and cast their votes. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn about elections and presidential campaigns via hands-on experience. Fifth grade students served as poll workers ensuring that all the voters knew the rules and their rights. The students voted for actual candidates currently running for president of the United States. When they were done they wore their “I Voted Stickers,” with a sense of civic pride.



Youth Vote 2024

On Oct 2, 2024, the students and staff at East Clayton Elementary were treated to an interactive science presentation. The Science Machine, who believes science is for everyone, is committed to inspiring and educating the next generation of leaders, scientists, mathematicians, innovators and engineers. Decked out in his lab coat and sporting green hair, the Science Machine showed us some of the wonders of science using volunteers from the audience to help him demonstrate. With his demonstrations, the students were able to get a visual representation of what they are learning in class.


The Idiom Challenge

ECE TV has placed a spotlight on idiom's as figurative language. During the news broadcast, students were shown a picture clue of a common idiom. The teacher and students of each class were tasked with figuring out the phrase and its meaning. Each class that correctly figured out the picture clue was entered into a drawing to win a prize.   

We would like to say, "Awesome job," to all the classes that solved the ECE News Idiom Challenge. Congratulations  to Ms. Cook's class and Dr. Kenny's class for winning the drawing. Who will be the winning classes next time? 


Social Media Threats and Consequences

First Day of School: The long summer break has finally come to an end, and it’s hard to tell who is more excited for the start of a new school year. Is it the students, the teachers, or the parents? Our scholars looked ready to learn, dressed in their ECE colors. Students, thank you for your presence and your energy. Parents, thank you for entrusting us with the most precious part of your lives. Teachers,  thank you for the hard work and enthusiasm you put into creating a safe and exciting learning environment. 

Open House

Open House 2024: On July 31, East Clayton Elementary kicked off the 2024 school year with open house. Parents were excited to meet their new teachers, and get a glimpse of what their rooms look like. Dr. Watson, Mrs. Franklin, and the ECE staff look forward to an exciting year of teaching and learning.